Tuesday, March 25, 2014

as the pieces fall in to place

I love puzzles. Always have. I never had the patience to do them when I was young, but I still loved them. I remember my mother starting a puzzle every year on New Year's Day. She would wake up in the morning, set up the card table in a corner of the living room, and dump out a 1,000 piece puzzle. Then the fun began. All of us would walk by and put in a piece here or there, but no one stayed with it like my mother. I would see her sitting there for hours piecing that puzzle together. It usually only took a couple of days and all the pieces would be in place. The puzzle was left out, finished, for several days (sometimes weeks) so we could enjoy the beauty of the picture but also the beauty of accomplishment. Puzzles are a wonderful thing.

It took me many years before I started doing puzzles on my own. First, I had little kids and little kids' hands and sticky fingers and their propensity of losing pieces. Then, I didn't really have a large enough surface that could remain undisturbed for as long as it took me to finish a puzzle. So, I found myself a mat that I could roll up and put away. I started a few puzzles. Now, all of those obstacles are gone and it is not uncommon for me to have a puzzle started at any time. I love the jumbled messes that turn into masterpieces. I love the sense of accomplishment. I love puzzles.

My life, lately, has felt like a great big puzzle. It is like I took a 5,000 piece puzzle  and just dumped it on the table. Just dumped!

But I'm finally starting to see patterns. I'm starting to fit 1, 2, sometimes 3 pieces together. A picture is starting to form. And the beginnings are beautiful.

I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. A couple of years ago, my life looked perfect. I was married. I had a good job. My kids were active and healthy. Everything looked perfect...from the outside. It is amazing how things can change so drastically in just a few short months, especially when the insides are rotten. All it takes it one good poke for everything to collapse. But I am also constantly amazed at the divine help I receive that nudges me down paths that only make things better and better, that helps me put pieces together and gives me glimpses of my final picture. It is going to be spectacular.

One piece. When the divorce process began, I knew that I had to get out of the house I was in. I was traveling a lot and didn't have the time or energy to keep up the house and yard. The house was also just too big for little ol' me. I was down to one child at home, and she was leaving soon. I just didn't want to face that big house and big yard all by myself. I went looking, specifically for a town home, you know, the kind that comes with HOA fees and no yard maintenance, plowed driveways, and snow removal on the sidewalks. The kids and I drove through several communities and feel in love with Bridgerland Meadows. We loved the front courtyards vs. the limited backyards of the other communities. We loved the wide open spaces in the community as well. Then, we started going through units until we found THE ONE. Believe it or not, not all units in a community like this are created equal. Each one is just a little bit unique. Well, THE ONE had four bedrooms. What? Four bedrooms and three bathrooms? What was I thinking? I didn't need that much space; it was just me remember? Well, we still loved that specific unit so decided to buy it after all. Now, this is how that piece fits in my life right now. Instead of selling my unit when I move to VA, I am going to rent it. And, four bedroom units are HIGHLY sought after. They rent for much more (better for me) and are always in demand. I know that my unit will be rented at all times and am thankful for that comfort.

Another piece. In June 2013, I was approached by a colleague about leaving my current employment and joining their team. I thought it was THE PERFECT opportunity. I had been thinking about leaving my job any way so that was not the issue. And this company was going to let me move more into operations/project management. My travel would increase from 25% to 65% and I was a little worried about that but I thought I could make it happen. The catch was that I wouldn't be able to start with this company until probably Jan. The process was slow and then delayed and then delayed again. I was resigned to just wait. Then, I was laid off from that good job. I was so very calm about it. I knew that I would have a job in January and they were giving me a severance package. I could actually take the next couple of weeks off and rest up a bit. With this change, I sent emails to my network letting them know how to reach me and was contacted by another company about coming to work for them, which is where I am now and what is moving me to VA. Looking back, I believe that this job and this move are what I need to do right now. If I would not have been laid off, I would never have had this option. And, I just found out last week that the other company is struggling and will probably be closing their justice practice in the next year. I am in a better job, creating my own future, excited about new adventures, and feeling more secure than if I would have waited for the other company, all because I was laid off. I thank Heavenly Father every day for being laid off and these new opportunities. Weird thing to be thankful for, but I am.

And another piece. My apartment in VA is just a tiny little thing but it just seems to fit my life right now. I was directly by a very loud (well, not really but you understand) and persistent voice. This is where I need to live. I really don't know yet how this apartment fits into my life puzzle. I'm sure I will look back on this experience in a couple of years and better understand the picture as a few more puzzles are fit together. I can't wait to see what emerges.

I still don't know what image I'm putting together, but I am enjoying the process and what I can see emerging already.

Bring it on life! I am up for the challenge, one piece at a time.

Monday, March 17, 2014

...and i'm actually very excited about it

Once again, I have been peppered with questions as to why I am moving to Virginia. These questions are not just coming from people who live in Utah but also peeps in Virginia. I am asked this question ALL. THE. TIME. I know this is a big move. I know that I don't have any family in VA. I know that things will change drastically. I know I am in for some culture shock. I know I am not (and never will be prepared) for what lies ahead. But I also know that this is the right decision for me at this time and .... I'm actually very excited about the move!!

Yup, its true. I am very excited about this drastic change in my life. I feel very strong that I have been guided to move to Herndon at this time. Is it easy? NO. Is it convenient? NO. Am I going to miss my family? YES. Is it driving me crazy? YES. Do I stay up at night stressing about the change? YES. But at those times, I go back to those moments when I KNEW that this move is the best thing for me.

#life #decisions #quotes

I truly think there is something great waiting for me on the other side of this adventure. I don't know if that greatness will come in a personal or professional way or both, I just know that greatness is on the horizon.

And yes, I am ecstatic to be moving to Virginia. Have you seen how much there is to do within driving distance of Herndon? Seriously, I don't know why you all aren't moving out there with me. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the rest is just sand

Have you heard that story about the psychology professor who teaches his class about priorities? If not, you really should. Basically, he fills a jar with golf balls and asks the class "is it full?" Yes, they say.

Then he fills it with gravel and asks "is it full?" Yes, they say. Then, he fills the jar with sand and asks "s it full?" Yes, they say. Then, he pours a bottle of beer or coffee or something (here is where the story differs) over the top and declares it full.

The lesson? Fill your day with the big, important things and fit in the rest as you go. Don't fill your day with unimportant things (the sand) or the important things (golf balls) won't fit.

Or put another way

I have been thinking about this story a lot lately. I have been filling my day with sand. Sometimes, I get up to gravel, but I have been neglecting my golf balls for some time. I have been focused so much on work, I have neglected many other things. One day, I realized that work is not even a golf ball! Wow. It is necessary, yes, but not the most important thing in my life. Here's my short, planning to grow list.

Golf balls (in no particular order):

  • Health
  • Family
  • Testimony
  • Embroidery
Gravel (in no particular order):
  • Work 
  • Cello 
  • Travel
Sand (just as they come to me): 
  • social media
  • TV
  • movies
  • almost anything electronic

But at the end of the day, there is always time for a drink with a good friend.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

adventures in va - part two

I am now spending my second Saturday in my own place in VA. I was hoping to do more than work this week but that didn't really happen. We have six proposals due next week plus I was asked to give a presentation on what I've been doing for the past six weeks to the board of directors. Needless to say, my time has been spent working.

However, I did find some time to squeeze in a few personal things.

1. I went to my soon-to-be permanent ward. What a fun group! I can't wait to get more involved. They have already offered to come visit me but since I don't really have any furniture, I thought either sitting on my bed or my floor would be a bit unaccommodating. So, we decided to have them come visit on my next commute.

2. I ordered a couch! Yup, it is a queen size sleeper so I can host company. But also amazingly comfy. I also ordered a storage ottoman so I can really lounge if I want to. :) They didn't have what I wanted in stock so I had to have it special ordered. It will be done in 6-8 weeks, just in time for me to enjoy on my next commute.

3. I ordered a rug and new bed set. I looked everywhere for a rug. All the sales associates kept asking what I wanted. I told them I had no idea but would know it when I found it. Well, I found it. And isn't it beautiful? I love it. And it is a soft wool. Will be a bugger to clean but I'll worry about that when it gets dirty. My bed set is fun. It is call script and has words (I think in French) written all over it. It doesn't add much color to my place, but I have a plan for that. And no, I'm not spilling my plan. You will see evidence of it in a future adventure! Here are some close ups of my amazing rug. Isn't it just full of fabulousness?

4. I got a new fridge! It is really not much but a big improvement over the one I had. It is still a counter height fridge but the freezer is a separate compartment so my food won't freeze and the stuffs in the freezer will stay frozen. Believe me, this is a major improvement.

5. I got the wireless to work. I had access to an ethernet port but I have so many devices, I really wanted wireless. After a quick trip to the local RadioShack, I installed a wifi booster and now everything works with full bars. Love it!

6. I raided the garage for additional furniture. Ann helped me raid the garage for a chest, end table, dining table, a couple of chairs and some lamps...to help me fill up the space until I bring my own stuff out in June. The chairs are falling apart and I don't dare sit on them much, but at least I can sit somewhere besides my bed or the floor. It is a nice change. Here is my place a week later. Good improvements don't you think?

7. I found a back way to work! It took me a couple of days (kept getting lost) but I finally found a back way to work! It now takes me 6 minutes to get to work instead of 8. :)

And, other than some food and miscellaneous shopping, I haven't done much of anything....besides work. Still, I feel like I had a productive, adventurous week. I am starting to find things without the GPS and am getting really good at U-turns.