Now, to figure out what to do? Hmmm, 30 days of better eating? Nope, got three trips coming up. 30 days of exercise? Nah, did I mention I had three days of business trips coming up? 30 days of squate? ummm, NO, NO, NO!! 30 days of the perfect picture? Whatever. 30 days of me? Not my style. I got it!
My 30-day challenge is to..... (drum roll please) ...
Yup, as simple as that. Do good every day. No list to follow, no following someone else's agenda, just doing good. So, for every day in September (yup gonna give myself a couple of days to get psyched up for it) I will do something good for someone else. This will be tricky (did I mention that I'm traveling?), but I know I can do it!
Oh and one more thing. Here are the rules. Apparently, you have to have rules for a 30-day challenge so here are mine:
Who's with me?